Date(s) - Saturday, January 27, 2018Sunday, January 28, 2018
9:30 am5:00 pm
Port Clements Community Hall
Bayview Drive
Port Clements
This FREE event will focus on issues and priorities for Haida Gwaii women. Women of all ages will come together in knowledge-sharing, leadership development, networking, experiential learning, and more!
Please join us for a dialogue session dinner and entertainment on Saturday January 27th from 5:00 – 7:00pm.
Snacks, meals, and beverages will be provided during the dialogue session and the dinner. Transportation and babysitting vouchers are offered.
The Council of the Haida Nation, Old Massett Village Council, and the Skidegate Band Council collectively lead this project.
Find Tickets at https://www.haidagwaiiwomen.com/
Contact Info
Rayne Tarasiuk
250 559-4496