Date(s) - Saturday, June 1, 2019Sunday, June 2, 2019
9:00 am6:00 pm
QCYC Hockey Rink
Queen Charlotte Youth Centre
Queen Charlotte
Great Fundraiser for a great cause. Signup as a team or an individual. We will be playing at the hockey rink at the Youth Centre. It will be ball hockey (no roller blades or skates!)
Saturday will be dedicated to the Youth and the Adults will play on Sunday. Divisions include Adult (18 & Over), Senior Youth (14-17) and Junior (10-13).
It’s free for all youth and only $50 per adult. All the proceeds will go to the Queen Charlotte Youth Centre. Go to QCYouth.Com and signup now before all the spots are filled up! Want to support the cause visit our website for more information.
Contact Info
Stacey Marple