Date(s) - Saturday, July 14, 2018
12:00 pm2:00 pm
Tluu Xaada Naay Longhouse (Christian White's Longhouse)
107 Raven Ave
Old Massett
Includes a delicious lunch, door prizes, cool videos, and a kids’ crafting table!
The SGaan Kinghlas seamount is now being explored with two robot submarines as part of the 2018 Northeast Pacific Seamounts Expedition, a collaboration between the Haida Nation, Oceana Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Ocean Networks Canada.
SGaan Kinghlas “Supernatural Being Looking Outwards”, also known as the Bowie Seamount, is an underwater mountain 180 km west of Graham Island. It rises 3000 m from the ocean floor, with its peak only 24 m below sea level. The seamount has an amazing diversity of life, and hosts species not seen anywhere else in the world. In 2015, a new species of glass sponge was discovered in the bycatch of a longline fishing vessel working over SGaan Kinghlas.
Join the Haida Nation and Ocean Networks Canada for an afternoon event featuring live footage from the underwater exploration of the SGaan Kinghlas seamount. Meet Kim Juniper, the chief scientist from Ocean Networks Canada, and learn about the research expedition, seamounts, and the many marine species that call them home.
For more info on the expedition, visit http://protectoceans.ca/
Info on the robot submarines: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/technology/subs/hercules/hercules.html
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