Sensing the Resonance of Place | Echos | Jason Goetzinger

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Sensing the Resonance of Place | Echos | Jason Goetzinger


Date(s) - Friday, March 8, 2024
7:00 pm9:00 pm

Haida Gwaii Museum
2 2nd beach road

Opening Reception Friday, March 8 at 7PM – EVERYONE WELCOME!! Jason Goetzinger is a multidisciplinary artist who has lived on Haida Gwaii his entire life and now lives in the village of HlGaagilda (Skidegate) where he has practiced the disciplines of painting, drawing, sculpture and jewelry for the past 29 years. He works in a wide range of mediums including acrylic and oil on canvas, ink, charcoal and dry pastel on paper, wood, stone, bone, found objects and precious metals.
Jason added painting to his practice after attending The Victoria College of Art for one year (2006-2007). Painting has been the main focus of his practice since that time. Within this discipline he has strived to find his voice as an artist, unencumbered with outside philosophies or beliefs of what art is or what it should be, and instead uses his emotions as a compass to guide the direction of his work.

Contact Info
Museum Staff
(250) 559-4643

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